Converting Hexadecimal to Decimal on a TI-86
First, enter the Hexadecimal number.
Next, indicate that you want the calculator to convert the number to some other base, and specify the base.
At this point, my screen looks like this: "A3h►Dec" (on the first line), and "163" (on the second line).
That's right, "A3" in Hexadecimal equals "163" in Decimal.
Check it in your head:
Convert "A" from Hex to Decimal: 0xA = 10.
Multiply that by 16 since the "A" was in the 16s place: 10 ✕ 16 = 160.
Convert "3" from Hex to Decimal: 0x3 = 3.
Multiple that by 1 since the "3" was in the 1s place: 3 ✕ 1 = 3.
Add those two results together: 160 + 3 = 163.
You're done!
Do you know of any other ways to perform this conversion on a TI-86?
- To enter characters 0-9, just press those number keys.
- To enter characters A-F, press "2nd", "BASE", "F1", then either press "2nd" "M1" to enter an "A"; or press "F1-F5" to enter "B-F". Note that these characters are different from the ones you can enter in "ALPHA" mode.
- Finally, to indicate the string of characters you just entered is a Hexadecimal number, press "2nd", "BASE", "F2", "F2".
Next, indicate that you want the calculator to convert the number to some other base, and specify the base.
- To specify that you want the calculator to convert the number to Decimal, press "2nd", "BASE", "F3", "F4".
- To cause the calculator to actually perform and display the result of the conversion, press "ENTER".
At this point, my screen looks like this: "A3h►Dec" (on the first line), and "163" (on the second line).
That's right, "A3" in Hexadecimal equals "163" in Decimal.
Check it in your head:
Convert "A" from Hex to Decimal: 0xA = 10.
Multiply that by 16 since the "A" was in the 16s place: 10 ✕ 16 = 160.
Convert "3" from Hex to Decimal: 0x3 = 3.
Multiple that by 1 since the "3" was in the 1s place: 3 ✕ 1 = 3.
Add those two results together: 160 + 3 = 163.
You're done!
Do you know of any other ways to perform this conversion on a TI-86?
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