Setup iCloud Email in Microsoft Outlook 2010

Here are the settings I used in order to get Microsoft Office Outlook 2010 to access an iCloud email account:

  • Add New Account...
    • Your Name: John Doe
    • E-Mail Address:
    • Account Type: IMAP
    • Incoming Mail Server:
    • Outgoing Mail Server (SMTP):
    • User Name: johndoe
    • Password: p@ssw0rd
    • Remember Password: ☑
    • Require logon using Secure Password Authentication (SPA): ☑
    • More Settings...
      • Outgoing Server:
        • My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication: ☑
        • Log on using...
          • User Name:
          • Password: p@ssw0rd
        • Remember Password: ☑
        • Require Secure Password Authentication (SPA): ☑
      • Advanced:
        • Server port numbers...
          • Incoming server (IMAP): 993
            • Use the following type of encrypted connection: SSL
          • Outgoing server (SMTP): 587
            • Use the following type of encrypted connection: TLS
Using these settings, I was able to use Microsoft Office Outlook 2010 to access an iCloud email account on January 26, 2017.


  1. iCloud: Mail server settings for email clients
